Tuesday, February 16, 2021

How much faith have we got in God’s care for us?

Just a few thoughts

·         Pancake Tuesday  --  I do make pancakes once a year. Yep. Today is the day.


¯ Experience Lent with love: Pope

¯ Sunday Homily  --  Fr Frank Brennan

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Catholic Bishops cannot govern their dioceses without pastoral councils

Ø  The Triumph Of Good Over Evil  --  Fr Ron Rolheiser

Musical Reflection

¯ Stay with me, Lord

¯ In His Time

Bits & Pieces

v  1955  --  Parafield Airport

v NOW - Pop your empty 10c containers in a Tinnies For Vinnies bin to turn them into cash for Vinnies!
You can do this at Magill

Scouts Recycling
Address: 8 Nightingale Avenue
Phone: 08 8333 1033
Email: src@scoutrecycling.com.au


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