Friday, February 26, 2021

First Be Reconciled.

Just a few thoughts

·        I am feeling so downhearted/depressed! I watched the 7:30 Report last night.
The blatant cruelty at a Perth luxury aged care facility was disgusting.
The unbelievable cover-ups and hypocrisy in our national government behaviour relating to a rape case is soul-destroying..
The punishment of the unemployed for not having jobs when there is only 1 job for every 8 applicants.
I feel so powerless.

·        Then of course I reflect on yesterday’s article about the Hindmarsh parish and recall the energy and servant leadership in our own parish not so long ago. Distressing.

·        I am reading a book – “Denis Edwards in His Own Words”.  It contains a selection of 37 writings by Fr Denis covering a period from 1976 to 2019. It is an incredible collection of analyses of issues that faced and continue to face our Church. How insightful his writings!


ü  At the beginning of the Communion, we together recite the Lord’s Prayer in which we all say: “Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.” How often are we conscious of saying those words and how often do we really mean them?
Just after that, we are invited to share a sign of peace with those around us. Again, this can be done in a very perfunctory way. But the meaning of this gesture is that we want to be totally in a spirit of union and reconciliation with each other before we approach the Lord’s Table to break together the Bread which is the sign of our unity as members of his Body.  Read more

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  A Cosmology of Connection  --  Brabara Holmes

Ø  Chaos and Grace  --  Fr Ron Rolheiser

Musical Reflection

¯ Mercy, O God

¯ Turn to the Living God

¯ Seek The Lord  -  L. Larson

Bits & Pieces

v  1606  --  First known European landing in Australia by Dutch navigator Willem Jansz (or Janszoon) at Cape York.

v  1928  --  American singer and pianist Fats Domino, a rhythm-and-blues standout who became one of the first rock-and-roll stars, was born.


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