Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Seek The Lord!

Just a few thoughts

·         I hope you enjoyed the multiple versions of the Pater Noster!

·         Today I have another set of Opinions and Observations focussing on the the Church in the Modern World!

·         "I am old but I am forever young at heart. Each year is special and precious, you can only live it once. Do not regret growing older, it's a privilege denied to many!"  --  Richard Gere


ü  If God were to give us some clear sign in life revealing His will, we should take it as a gift and be grateful for it. But receiving a sign from God is different than seeking a sign from God. In the passage above, Jesus strongly condemns those coming and seeking signs. Why is this the case? Why does Jesus speak strongly against seeking signs? In large part because He wants us to seek Him through the gift of faith.

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  The Great Chain of Being  --  Fr Richard Rohr

Ø  Keeping the common good after COVID  --  Eureka Street

Ø  The Church and social justice after Trump
Bruce Duncan is a Redemptorist priest and lectures in history and social ethics at Yarra Theological Union in Melbourne. He asks:-  “Church social teaching is strongly opposed to neoliberalism, so how did this opposition become so muted, with prominent Catholic voices and resources captured by neoliberal ideology and money?

Musical Reflection

¯ Seek the LordSt. Louis Jesuits

¯ I will seek the Lord

¯ Seek, O Seek the Lord  --  audio only

¯ Lord We Seek Your Face

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