Monday, February 1, 2021

Jesus heals a tormented man.

Just a few thoughts

·         What a crazy story in today’s Gospel!
A violent tormented man lives in a graveyard, an outcast from the town community.
Jesus faces him and the demons recognise who Jesus is.
They challenge Jesus to cast them out into a herd of pigs roaming nearby.
Jesus heals the tormented man and the demons are cast into the pigs, who self-destruct by running over a cliff and drowning in the lake.
People are amazed – the healing of the outcast is unbelievable! They don’t understand.
The animal herders report the loss of the pigs to the owners. They too can’t understand their loss of the animals.
Why were the Jewish people herding pigs, unclean animals?
But of course these pigs were for the Roman occupiers. They would not believe the story either and blame the Jews.
So confusion reigns. The healed man praises Jesus, but everyone else is confused and frightened and wish Jesus would go away!


ü  Sunday Homily – from Fr Frank Brennan

ü  Sunday Homily – from Fr John Foley

Musical Reflection

¯ Experience Sounds of the World, as choirs gather from all corners of the globe for the first-ever Gondwana World Choral Festival. Recorded live at the Sydney Opera House in July 2019.

Bits & Pieces

v  1932  --  Time Ball - Semaphore

v  1895  --  Change to standard time

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