Saturday, February 13, 2021

It is clear that we have to share.

Just a few thoughts

Jesus showed great compassion. He believes in the dignity of all of humanity – Jews and Gentiles.
In Australia there are blatant transgressions against human dignity. I believe that on this Reconciliation Day we must emphasise to governments that human dignity is more important than company profits.

·         Australian Prime Minister’s apology speech this day 2008

Quoting from ANTaR

·         13 years ago we said 'sorry' – First Nations children now twice as likely to be removed from family 

·         "Poverty, discrimination and injustice, poor health outcomes and intergenerational trauma – they all contribute to our kids being removed from their families. We know from the Stolen Generations removal is not the answer."

·         This weekend as we mark yet another year on from the Apology, we’ll be listening to the many First Nations voices advocating for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural knowledge and understanding to be at the centre of decision-making around First Nations children and their families. We’ll also keep working to hold governments to account for their commitments under the New National Agreement on Closing the Gap.


ü  The teaching of Jesus was for all humaniy.

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Reconciliation demands change  --  Fr Andrew Hamilton

Ø  Anniversary of Stolen Generations Apology

Musical Reflection

¯ It's Not Too Late  --  Archie Roach

¯ Treaty  --  Yothu Yindi


§  First Australians  --  Documentary series of 7 parts available at SBS on Demand

§  Dark Emu  --  Read this book that documents aspects of Indigenous Australia  --  available at most libraries

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