Sunday, March 20, 2022

The nature of God

Just a few thoughts

·        Palm Sunday Peace & Justice Walk

·        Experience everything as gift:-  that in knowing God as the source of all existence, we may appreciate each day and each breath as a loving gift from God

·        May we respect the holy ground of our planet, and honour every person who walks upon it.


ü Australian Women Preach

ü An Angry Savior?  --  Homily from USA

ü Hope of the Innocents  --  Homily from UK

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Pope Francis in war and peace  --  Eureka Street

Ø The Five M’s  --  Richard Rohr

Ø The tensions of papal diplomacy in the Russian-Ukraine war  --  The Tablet, UK

Musical Reflection

¯ This Day God Gives Me

¯ Jerusalem, My Destiny

¯ Be More Kind

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