Friday, March 11, 2022

Make a new heart

Just a few thoughts

·        Don’t let life harden your heart.  --  Pema Chodron

·        May our parish community, during this Time of Lent, heal any differences between people, or factions which divide us, so that we are truly ‘one in Christ.’


ü The purpose of prayer is for us to become more deeply aware of what our real needs are.

ü The power of reconciliation

ü A Stirring of the Soul  --  Richard Rohr

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Women face greater impact from poverty

Ø Final days to make Synod of Bishops submissions
Go here for more information

Ø The sorrow of war

Musical Reflection

¯ Be with Me, Lord

¯ Go make a difference

¯ Christ is the world’s light

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