Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The law of love

Just a few thoughts

·        As servant leaders: governments must listen to the cries of those who are suffering; must find new ways to address the needs, and be moved to actions.

·        May policy-makers in every nation take the urgent steps necessary to save our fragile planet from the peril of global warming.


ü In all things, our ultimate guide must be the law of love.

ü Really praying in Lent  --  Catholic News Service-USA

ü From Brisbane  --  Jesus and the Old Testament

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Lent & Synodality Week 3: Rejoice in the Gifts from God

Ø Giving hope and zest to the life of so many  --  Southern Cross

Ø Community Resilience and the Role of Government  --  Australian Catholic Bishops Conference.

Musical Reflection

¯ I will never forget you

¯ Led By The Spirit

¯ Strength for the Journey

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