Monday, March 28, 2022

The man believed

Just a few thoughts

·        It takes just as little time to see the positive side of life as it does the negative side.  --  Jimmy Buffet

·        May our new Premier and State Government, all parliamentarians and those who assist them, be people of integrity, receive the gift of Wisdom and serve all people, especially the most vulnerable.


ü From Brisbane  --  Go, your son will live

ü The Circle Dance of God  --  Richard Rohr

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Pérez Esquivel's "Stations of the Cross,"  --  article

Ø Stations of the Cross from Latin America 1492 - 1992

Ø Australasian Catholic Coalition For Church Reform – Webinar
The Plenary and The People

Musical Reflection

¯ Unless a Grain of Wheat

¯ There is a Longing

¯ Lanterns

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