Sunday, March 13, 2022

“Listen to him.”

Just a few thoughts

·        This does not seem right:- There have been 500 Aboriginal deaths in custody since the Royal Commission — and not a single conviction. The Royal Commission report was handed down 30 years ago — and nothing has changed

·        For Australia’s indigenous communities, that National Close the Gap Day (17 March) will help reduce the inequality of health outcomes they suffer.  Let us pray

·        We pray for all those who have been affected by the recent floods. May they be given assistance, courage and fortitude as they begin the slow work of rebuilding their lives and their communities, and may God’s peace surround them through these challenging times.


ü Dare to be Free  --  Timothy Radcliffe

ü Australian Women Preach

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Letting Go of the False Self  --  Richard Rohr

Ø Elections are approaching  --  Southern Cross

Musical Reflection

¯ Come back to me

¯ Laudibus in Sanctis

¯ Change Our Hearts

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