Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Praying for Peace with Pope Francis

Just a few thoughts

·        Vatican offers to mediate talks between Ukraine and Russia  --  CathNews

·        May You Be Known By Your Love  --  S Goodier


ü “Return to me with all your heart.”

ü Fasting can consist of doing without something we do not really need

 ü Led by the Spirit Into the Wilderness?

The Signs Of The Times

Ø From the ashes  --  Andrew Hamilton

Ø Prayer is a counter-offensive to violence and horror  --  Australian Catholics

Ø A Prayerful Stance  --  Richard Rohr

Ø Trying Not To Make God Look Bad  --  Ron Rolheiser

Musical Reflection

¯ God of Mercy and Compassion

¯ Create in me a clean heart oh God

¯ Tree of Life

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