Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The greatest among you will be your servant

Just a few thoughts

·        Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to the errors that counts.  --  Nikki Giovanni

·        May our parish community together seek God ever more intensely in prayer and lives of self-sacrifice.

·        We understand that Deacon Remo has been hospitalised with heart problems. We pray for his speedy recovery.


ü Today the words of Jesus can be applied to many positions in our own society. Executives, managers, doctors, lawyers, bishops, priests, civil servants, parents can all be included here.

ü The soil from which all virtues grow  --  from Brisbane

ü Pruning Open the True Self  --  Richard Rohr

The Signs Of The Times

Ø How to Improve Your Vision

Ø A request for mental health support  --  Indigenous Peoples’ Organization

Ø Now You Are Free

Musical Reflection

¯ This Day God Gives Me

¯ Lay your hands gently upon us

¯ These Are The Words

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