Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Hope for the underprivileged

Just a few thoughts

·        For a spirit of respect: that we may honour each person who enters our life, particularly those with physical limitations, and encourage them to use their gifts and enrich the community

·        Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.  --  Marie Curie

·        We seek a deeper faith in Jesus, trusting that he will be a merciful judge of each one of us and bring us to eternal life.


ü Jesus, like the Father, is life-giving, a source of life.

ü The Earth Is at the Same Time Mother

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Lent & Synodality Week 4: Encourage One Another & Build Each Other Up

Ø The MacKillop Institute

Ø What can the under-privileged hope for in the budget…not much?  --  Francis Sullivan

Musical Reflection

¯ Companions on a Journey

¯ Jesus the Lord

¯ Ave Verum Corpus

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