Wednesday, December 1, 2021

With whom are we sharing what we have or can afford to buy?

Just a few thoughts

·        May the Eucharist move Christians to share their daily bread with the hungry as an act of justice and with heart of unqualified generosity. And may we learn from Jesus and the apostles never to waste food.

·        We pray for all people living with disabilities, that their gifts will enrich the community and call us to a deeper embrace of our shared humanity.

·        Summertime!!!


ü Becoming the miracle  --  Reflection from Brisbane

ü Finding Ourselves in God  --  Richard Rohr

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Discrimination against people with disability must end  --  Pope Francis

Ø Anglicare says Australia’s welfare system must be urgently fixed

Ø Senate backs charities  --  CathNews

Musical Reflection

¯ In Christ There Is No East or West

¯ This Is My Song

¯ We Are Waiting

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