Monday, December 13, 2021

Thank God for the gift of sight

Just a few thoughts

·        We look with growing hope for the coming of the Saviour. In peace and thankfulness, we pray for God’s blessing on our world.

·        "Our faith tells us that the promise of the birth of Jesus is that the kingdom of God is both already and not yet.”
When I read this puzzling statement I mused that we know exactly what Christ asks of us, so potentially the kingdom of God is already; but not yet, because our human frailty and ego are preventing its realisation.


ü In our lives, too, Jesus can speak to us through very unexpected channels. We need to be constantly ready and make no exceptions.

ü Becoming the prophet  - Reflection from Brisbane

ü The Good News  --  Sunday reflection from USA

The Signs Of The Times

Ø The year that was – movie and TV guide  --  Australian Catholics

Ø Australian Women Preach

Musical Reflection

¯ How Can I Keep from Singing

¯ How Can I Keep from Singing

¯ Come, Divine Messiah

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