Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Immaculate Mary

Just a few thoughts

·        Our God is a God of joy, who delights to be with us. As people of faith, we rejoice in our Saviour, who hears us when we call him and renews us in his love.

·        A bit late with this prayer, but never too late….
May children, at this time of the year, see in the holiness and charity of St Nicholas the true spirit of giving from the heart, and not be obsessed by asking for things.

·        May we receive that grace of living the will of God in our lives, just as Mary did at the Annunciation, and as Joseph did in the mystery of his dreams.


ü Responding to God’s call

ü The Immaculate Conception

ü Mary is the model of Christian discipleship.

ü God takes up residence

The Signs Of The Times

Ø The Gift of Confidence  --  Richard Rohr

Ø Human(Kind)  --  Ron Rolheiser

Musical Reflection

¯ Breath Of Heaven (Mary's Song)  --  Amy Grant

¯ My soul proclaims the Lord

¯ Magnificat-Song of Mary

¯ Behold a virgin shall conceive

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