Sunday, December 19, 2021

“He himself will be peace, shalom”

Just a few thoughts

·        For the human family, that this Christmas will herald a revolution of kindness, mutual respect and hospitality in every heart and home

·        Christmas celebrates God’s overwhelming self-giving by becoming human in the vulnerability of a child


ü Our deepest identity is not our personal ego but our identity within the Body of Christ.

ü Australian Women Preach

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Just A Thought - "Slow Down".  --  Paschal Kearney

Ø It’s not easy being Christian, let alone being Catholic  --  Patty Fawkner

Ø A letter to my nine-month-old daughter  --  Ashleigh Donnelly

Musical Reflection

¯ Gabriel's Message

¯ What Child Is This?

¯ Ave Maria - Gound  --  Sung by Julie and recorded by Neale

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