Sunday, December 5, 2021

Jesus our healer

Just a few thoughts

·        We pray for all who have fled or been forced from their homeland, that like the exiles of Baruch’s day they will one day return home in safety and peace

·        That those clothed in sorrow and distress will put on the beauty of God and be wrapped in God’s integrity.

·        We pray for the leaders of nations and political parties who proclaim a Christian message. May their voices be heard above those who strive to take Christ out of the season of hope.


ü Homily from Frank Brennan

ü Sunday Homily -- Australian Women Preach

ü Homily from John Foley, SJ

The Signs Of The Times

Ø The Church's radical reform – what is a synod?  --  The Tablet. UK

Ø Bishops elected as delegates to Synod of Bishops  --  CathNews

Musical Reflection

¯ Wait For The Lord

¯ Eagle's Wings - Andersen

¯ Gesu Bambino

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