Saturday, December 18, 2021

"God is with us."

Just a few thoughts

·        We pray for all who bear the name of Christian that we may always practice honesty and integrity.

·        We pray on this International Migrants Day that all leaders and citizens will value the words of Pope Francis: “welcome, protect, promote and integrate” migrants and refugees.

·        We pray for those awaiting the birth of a child. May they, like Mary, be filled with wonder at God’s gift of life.


ü December 25th was almost certainly not the date of his birth.

ü A man of mercy and justice  - Reflection from Brisbane

The Signs Of The Times

Ø The ‘fatal flaw’ plaguing policy making in Australia

Ø Aboriginal Contemplation

Ø A 2021 reflection

Musical Reflection

¯ Do you remember Bonny, the amazingly creative keyboard player and song writer who was part of the choir in the mid 1990s? When she left Adelaide to further her academic career she wrote a song - Lord I Am Here.  Here it is sung by Julie

¯ North Wind

¯ Saviour of the Nations, Come

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