Thursday, December 9, 2021

“Do not be afraid; I will help you”

Just a few thoughts

·        We pray for those who have become the voice of the voiceless, and of those who feel disempowered in the face of huge difficulties, that they may be advocates with integrity.

·        We pray on this United Nations International Anti-corruption Day, that all governments, including those in Australia, will be shaken by its theme, “Corruption begets more corruption, and fosters a corrosive culture of impunity” and ensure that justice shapes the lives in leadership.

·        Of all the things that have caused the disintegration in the public’s trust in the body politic. It is the lack of a truth that defines it.


üJohn the Baptist is the last in the line of the great Old Testaments prophets.

ü Paying attention to the question  - Reflection from Brisbane

The Signs Of The Times

Ø The Christ Mystery

Ø Walking together

Musical Reflection

¯ Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord

¯ Awaken and Prepare Us

¯ Ave Maria, Virgo Serena

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