Sunday, December 26, 2021

The Holy Family


Just a few thoughts

·        "Reclaim your curiosity, your sense of adventure, and have some fun. Don't take every moment of your life so seriously. Allow yourself to enjoy life."  --  -- Akiroq Brost

·        May there be peace in every land, where the many peoples of the earth will own their common humanity and live together in harmony

·        We pray for our families, that the celebration of Christmas will unite us in joy and thankfulness, and wherever needed, in forgiveness and reconciliation.


ü They found him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions.

ü Are we waiting for God, or is God waiting for us?  --  Reflection from Brisbane.

ü A Sign of God’s Love  --  Richard Rohr

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Finding meaning in Christmas for all Australians  --  George Browning

Ø Lessons in loneliness at Christmas from Dorothy Day  --  Michael Kelly

Musical Reflection

¯ Orana

¯ Orana on harp

¯ Light of the Stable

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