Friday, April 30, 2021

I am the way, and the truth, and the life.

Just a few thoughts

·         The Parish Pastoral Council AGM was held last night. About 20 parishioners were present. There were 5 vacancies on the PPC and there were 10 candidates. This was a great situation, where there were more candidates than vacancies. So, as far as I can recall, this was the first time for many years that a vote was required. The candidates were requested to introduce themselves and give some idea as to the way they thought they could contribute to the work of the parish.

o   The candidates should have been introduced to the parishioners at weekend Masses.

o   The parishioners should have been given the chance to learn what each candidate saw as their role as a member of the Parish Pastoral Council.

o   There were no reports from the Finance Committee or any of the parish support groups that were such active community builders in past years.

Let us pray that the new Parish Pastoral Council will be able to rebuild the strong sense of community that we used to have.

·         The CathNews website features an advertisement for a conference to be held in September. It is organised by Mission Australia and Catholic Religious of Australia. The conference is called Mission—one heart, many voices. It lists many excellent speakers. I looked back into the history of this Conference. It was last held in 2019 and here is a video of 3 speakers at that conference.
Sit down, turn up the volume and take to heart what they are saying. The video.


ü Thank you, Thomas, for asking that question. All we need now is to make the answer the centre of our living.

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