Tuesday, April 20, 2021

I AM the bread of life.

Just a few thoughts

·         Planning begins for Laudato Si’ Week  --  On last Tuesday evening, 16 people from 10 parishes and schools gathered to discuss how the Archdiocese will celebrate the week-long event from May 16-24.  I wonder if our parish had a representative.

·         The parish AGM is on 29th April at 7.00pm in the Parish Hall. We have 12 Nominations for the available positions. I was surprised that the candidates were not introduced at Mass yesterday.


ü To eat that bread of life we have to soak ourselves in the life of Jesus

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Sister Joan Chittister, one of the Catholic world’s most influential religious and social leaders, will address a national convocation of Catholics on Sunday May 2 at 8.30am CST via Zoom from the USA

Ø  Faith is bolstered by prayer, not money, power, media, pope says

Musical Reflection

¯ Gift of Finest Wheat

¯ Shepherd Me, O God

Bits & Pieces

v  1921  --  Launch of the Eurimbla

v  1770  --  Captain James Cook arrives in New South Wales

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