Thursday, April 15, 2021

“… and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”

Just a few thoughts

·         Today in 1991: The Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Royal Commission Final Report was signed.

The photo  - 13th Station: ‘Jesus’ Body is Taken Down from the Cross’, by Dr Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann AO

·         Living Catholic eNewsletter – The April edition is now available. You can subscribe for free to receive it in your email

·         In the newsletter is an article - Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) has made a submission to the Indigenous Voice Co-Design Process supporting the Uluru Statement from the Heart’s request for an Indigenous Voice that is protected in the Constitution.

·         It seems to me that Royal Commissions usually are very good at finding out truths! They provide recommendations to enable progress to be made in a just and compassionate manner. Sadly, Royal Commission Recommendations more often than not are ignored by governments and the community at large. This seems especially so in the case of our First Nation Peoples. It really diminishes us as a nation.


ü Mary and Tom  --  Fr Richard Leonard

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Hans Kung: a theologian for everyone

Musical Reflection

¹  Spinifex Gum Marliya Choir - Behind the News

¯ Spinifex Gum ft. Briggs, Marliya & Senator Patrick Dodson

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