Sunday, April 25, 2021

I am the good shepherd.

Just a few thoughts

·         Today is Good Shepherd Sunday. ABC TV program Landline is one of my favourites. Last Sunday’s episode featured the story of a woman who made goat Feta Cheese. Every goat in the herd had a name. They all responded to the woman when she called a name. Amazing! It is Christ’s story!

·         Today is ANZAC Day. We acknowledge the futility of war. We commemorate the victims of war.
We pray for all defence and auxiliary personnel who have lost their lives in theatres of war, especially members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. May they live forever in the peace that only Christ can give.  --  Lord, hear us.


ü The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

ü It has been 106 years since the ANZAC troops first landed on Turkey’s Gallipoli Peninsula

The Signs Of The Times

Ø ANZAC Day 2021  --  Srs of St Joseph

Ø Relearning the lessons of Anzac Day  --  Fr Andrew Hamilton

Musical Reflection

¯ A Song Of Peace - Finlandia

¯ The Band Played Waltzing Matilda

¯ Why Worry

Bits & Pieces

v  1931  --  War Memorial

v  We will remember them.

v  Saint Mark’s Story


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