Wednesday, April 28, 2021

“the light of the world”

Just a few thoughts

·         We pray for innocent people living in constant fear of violent militias and repressive regimes. May their longing for peace and freedom be fulfilled.  --  Lord, hear us.


ü The ‘word’ of Jesus is a challenge.  It offers us a way of living and of inter-relating with God, with others and with ourselves.

The Signs Of The Times

Our Heart Is Stronger Than Our Wounds  --  Fr Ron Rolheiser

Musical Reflection

¯ Where There Is Charity and Love

¯ I Am the Vine

¯ You'll Never Walk Alone

Bits & Pieces

v  1858  --  Bishop Francis Murphy

v  1770  --  British Captain James Cook, aboard the Endeavour, lands at Botany Bay in Australia

v  1996  --  In Australia's worst massacre in modern history, Martin Bryant shoots and kills 35 in Port Arthur, Tasmania. Leads to a compulsory gun buy back program and major changes to gun control laws.

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