Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Spring Time!

Hello Tranmere Community.
So if you are a “colonial” Australian you might be thinking about Daffodils.
But look at these!

Sursum Corda!

The latest Southern Cross Magazine has many very interesting and positive articles that are worth reading.

You can subscribe for free to receive all the updates. Just provide your email address.

ü  Our new Archbishop Patrick has useful information - To live life to the full

ü  For a Tranmere connection there is -Miracle man’ turns to Mary in hour of need

ü  For those of you who are struggling to cope with the current C-Virus world there is - Centacare offering ongoing support
And there is much, much more.


Ø  We pray for Joe Garreffa, who is now in the Mary Potter Hospice.

Ø  Each one of us is given authority of some kind – as a parent, a teacher, our job responsibility… Let us make sure that we use it in such a way as to enhance the abilities of others rather than diminish them.  More

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯  1653 - This is the official date of the birth of German Baroque composer and organist Johann Pachelbel.
Here are 3 versions of the famous Canon in D:
The First
The Second
The Third

Bits & Pieces

J  To whoever stole my antidepressants; I hope you’re happy now.

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