Thursday, September 3, 2020

When they had brought their boats to shore, they left everything and followed him.


Hello Tranmere community.

ü  Thank you for the feedback, Sue. Yes it is interesting that we get hits from overseas!
We also got an advertisement from Italy offering us ‘holy goods’.

ü  What is more important though is that we need much more active involvement from our local community to drive the content of this ‘blog’ and to respond to the community interests.


Ø  A Story:
A young man encounters the Devil. When he discovers Satan's identity, he instinctively surmises that he is trying to buy his soul.
'Not at all,' the devil states, 'although I must confess that is the common belief: the devil is interested only in souls. But the truth, which I can occasionally speak, is that I do not buy second-hand souls. What I want to buy from you is your Dream'.
'I don't understand, says the young man, 'Why would you want to buy my Dream and not my soul?'
"Because, my young friend, if I were to obtain your soul, I would have just your soul, but if I am able to purchase - at a fair price, mind you - your Dream, then I've changed the course of history. Your soul affects only you, but your Dream....ah, that is something else. Your Dream touches the lives of countless people and, who knows, maybe people yet unborn? The effect of your Dream is cosmic; that is why I'm interested in it'.
What is your/my Dream?

Ø  Living Space

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯  Be Still For The Presence Of The Lord

¯  Glory and Praise to Our God

Bits & Pieces

CathNews - Euthanasia laws used by 124 Victorians in first year

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