Sunday, September 27, 2020

“Forced Like Jesus Christ to Flee”

Greetings Tranmere community.

It appears that yesterday's post did not get published - oops. I will add it in today.

ü  Today is Migrant & Refugee Sunday. Australia has a shameful reputation in dealing with refugees.

ü  Today we also celebrate the life of the inspirational St Vincent de Paul


Ø  What counts is not whether you say Yes or No, but what you do. 

Ø  God's Justice

Ø  Motivation

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯ Open My Eyes – Mary McKillop College Music Group – Synergy

¯ Gathered For The Journey – Peter Kearney composition celebrating St Vincent de Paul Society

¯ Music in solidarity

Bits & Pieces

v  On St Bernards Road we find the Magill campus of University of South Australia. There we find ‘Murray Park’ house.


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