Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Guardian Angels

 Hi Tranmere community.

To me it is weird that angels are called saints. They are defined as messengers from God.
Can you think of any humans who could be called angels [messengers] from God?


Sue has drawn attention to a CathNews article that appeared yesterday.
Change to prayers during Mass due in November
My first reaction was Oh wow, a modernisation of the Mass……..
But alas it was all about just 1 word!!
I must admit that the change of a word in the ending of a prayer is not an action that I am looking for from this institution.
It isn't going to bring droves back to church!
There are many other things that probably could help this institution to survive........
What do you think?


Good News

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

Guardian Angel from Heaven so bright.

If God Will Send His Angels – U2 with a modern song about angels.

Bits & Pieces

The largest single massacre in the history of the Holocaust begins.

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