Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The World Around Us

 Greetings Tranmere community.

Today’s topics are about current affairs!
They focus on issues that are raised by various Catholic sources.
Enjoy!   Your thoughts/feedback are very, very welcome!

Ø  There have been some reports published yesterday that have challenged our understanding of Australian values and ethics. So we have chosen some reflections about issues that are confronting us.
During September our focus is on the Season of Creation.
God’s love is the fundamental moving force in all created things.” 
Pope Francis.
Uncle Bob Randall, a Yankunytjatjara elder and traditional owner of Uluru, explains how an awareness of the connectedness of every living thing, calls us to be responsible and care for the land with unconditional love and responsibility.  View the video – The Land Owns Us

Ø  Did you know that the Australian government is planning to have a nuclear waste dump in South Australia?
South Australians have not been consulted. The traditional owners of the area have not been listed to.
Sr Michele Madigan summarises the latest developments. We urge you to read this. The federal nuclear dump is a national issue

Ø  Another issue that confronts us is the case of a Sri Lankan refugee who has now been in detention for 11 years!
Sr Elizabeth Young. A South Australian Sister of Mercy has been involved in this case.
Mercy Sister calls for release of Sri Lankan refugee

These are real world stories challenging us just as much as the parables of Jesus. How would Jesus react to these issues?

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯ Eagles Wings - Andersen

¯ Eagle - Abba

Bits & Pieces

v  OG Road – Osmond Gilles – some character

v  Lawyer and judge Roma Mitchell becomes the first female judge in Australia

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