Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Sometimes you meet human beings who really lift your spirit

Hello Tranmere community.

I am reflecting on a number of wonderful people who have passed away in recent times.
Maureen Green and Joe Garreffa were people close to me. In their own unique ways they presented incredible faith journeys for us to take to heart.
I offer this song in their memories. It is a translation of a song that has become hugely inspirational in the Netherlands. I Will Be There by Sela. It is a powerful song!


Ø  Sometimes you meet human beings who really lift your spirit

Ø  What comparison can I use for this people?

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯ Lead Me Lord - Wesley

Bits & Pieces

¯ Maria Callas, operatic soprano, died in 1977 aged 53

J  Medical joke  - Two psychiatrists passed each other in the street.
One said to the other, “You’re fine, how am I?”

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