Monday, August 31, 2020

The spirit of the Lord is upon me


Greetings Tranmere Community.
Enjoy the last day of winter. Blossoms are popping up everywhere-wonderful.

Sursum Corda!

ü  Catholic Social Justice Statementcommentary from Fr Andrew Hamilton

ü  “The Gospel reading invites us to become uncomfortable, to embody the Christ who, like Jeremiah, is on the margins. The Jesus of the Gospels challenges, though not fully, the political, social, cultural and religious structures and attitudes of the day. Horrifically, this work for justice ends in the Christ's death by crucifixion, and today, acts of injustice "crucify" people on the margins every day. The temptation for those who are privileged in any way is to stay comfortable, but the call to the privileged is to act prophetically, to be displaced to the margins, if we are not already there.” – Sr Carol Dempsey      Read the complete reflection here


Ø  In today’s Gospel Jesus states his mission clearly:

To preach the gospel to the poor,

to heal the broken-hearted,

to proclaim liberty to captives and

recovery of sight to the blind,

to set at liberty those who are hurt

and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord.

Read the whole reflection

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

Sunday’s music projection did not go quite as planned. Technology can be tricky.
But we keep on learning as we go along.
We love the way the congregation is singing along very quietly. Awesome.

¯  Next Sunday our Entrance Hymn is We Walk By Faith

¯  Songs about Social Justice - God of the Poor 

Bits & Pieces

v  Here is an article about a very inclusive parish. Can we learn from them?

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