Saturday, August 29, 2020

He was a man of complete integrity and was ready to give his life for truth and justice


Hello Tranmere Community.
We have a number of interesting/challenging topics for you. 

Did you know that every parish is supposed to have a Parish Pastoral Council?

ü  Yes we have one!

Did you know that every diocese is supposed to have a Diocesan Pastoral Council?

û  Oh Oh!  I can’t find one!    We used to have one. What happened?

“There is need for urgent local discernment, consensus and action which cannot and must not be delayed. Many of LSC’s recommendations can be acted on immediately by individual diocesan bishops.  Two clear examples are the establishment of diocesan pastoral councils (most dioceses do not have one) and annual diocesan reports (including financial statements). These and many others can be implemented by local diocesan bishops immediately.

Sursum Corda!

ü  St John The Baptist baptised Jesus. His death is too horrific to contemplate.
In the town of my birth the walls of the church had magnificent inscriptions of The Beatitudes.
The church was dedicated to the Birth of John The Baptist. An inspiring place!


Ø  Martyrdom of John the Baptist

Ø  CathNews has an interesting article about the origin of the Catholic Church.
“How can we be a constructive part of a renewed Church and not initiators of a new church which would, in the end, be our own creation rather than God’s?”

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯  This Blessing Cup

¯  On Jordan's Bank

¯  Hymn to St. John the Baptist

Bits & Pieces

J  From the churches…….
“Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance.”

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