Friday, August 21, 2020

“Love one another as I have loved you”


Greetings Tranmere community.
40C at Mt Lofty at 10am. Too warm for snow!

An interesting thing happened the other day. This blog received an advertisement from an online holy goods store in Italy!

Sursum Corda!

Ø  In our lives we are always presented with the competing demands of our own needs and desires and the decision to put others first.
Jesus offered us a guide to this conundrum in the Golden Rule, ‘In everything do to others as you would have them do to you.’

Ø  Prioritising the poor isn’t political, it’s the Gospel: Pope Francis


ü  Living Space

ü  The Good News

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯  I have looked far and wide for an impressive version of the hymn Go Now You Are Sent Forth.
Perhaps you may be able to find just that version. Here is the best I could find

¯  Our prayers may not always be eloquent, well written or spoken, but as Mother Teresa once said, ” Do it anyway.”
Often, we just need to be still with God. The following link is a beautiful meditation on being still. Be Still

Bits & Pieces

§  Over the past year in particular, Australian Catholics have become convinced that their bishops, with some exceptions, are playing games with them in the lead up to the national Plenary Council which is now scheduled to start in October 2021. Some believe, not unreasonably, that important stages in the process have been closely micro managed and that the outcomes of the Plenary may have been determined already. – David Timbs

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