Thursday, August 27, 2020

The really good life is based on truth and integrity, on love and compassion and sharing.


Hi everyone.
Another beautiful sunny day to be out in the gardens.

Sursum Corda!

ü  A long walk to freedom.  --   The life and words of Nelson Mandela to guide us through the restrictions on freedoms as we navigate the road ahead.


Ø  Living Space

Ø  Social Justice Sunday

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

¯  The Beatitudes – P Kearney

¯  Down to the River - Virtual Choir

¯  Here it is again sung by a choir in a huge empty grain bin- It starts at about 1:16minutes into the video.

¯  Now for something completely different – Who is the artist?

Bits & Pieces

·         Another Light

Many times the light seems to go out.   But another light,  one held by a stranger or friend, a book or a song, a blackbird or a wild flower, comes close enough so that we can see our path by its light.

  ----Joan Borysenko

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