Friday, August 7, 2020

“For it is in giving that we receive”

‘The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity.’

Good morning all.
Yesterday my attention was drawn to the following articles. I think each one is very important


Ø  Pope Francis - The Church is not an expert in the global health crisis, but Catholic social teaching is fundamental to healing the issues the world is currently facing.

Ø  St Vincent’s Health Australia chief executive Toby Hall writes - The aged and health care sectors fail to work together. They are ignorant of each other’s challenges and protect their own interests.

Ø  Fr Andrew Hamilton in Eureka Street - An age of communal and civic responsibility?
“It is a choice between going masked in communal responsibility and going unmasked out of idiocy.”

Ø  Leading church renewal group, Concerned Catholics Canberra Goulburn, has called on Australian Catholic bishops to release an essential document for consultation with the broader Catholic community before the bishops finalise it and send it to Rome ahead of the historic Plenary Council.

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

ü  May the Feet of God Walk with You


ü  Adagio - Johann Sebastian Bach

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