Thursday, August 31, 2023

Staying awake!

Just a few thoughts

ü Voting No is not a solution. It simply restates the injustice of the past. Voting Yes represents a willingness to change and create a better future for everyone. -- Prof Jocelyn Chey

ü "In the end, it's not what you do for your children but what you've taught them to do for themselves." -- Ann Landers

ü We pray for the people whose homelands are becoming barren and uninhabitable. May the crisis they face spur us all to take effective action to halt global warming.


ü Do not worry about tomorrow……….

ü God the Creator is the rich man, leaving the universe in our human hands to love and cherish, respect and care for, increase and multiply.

ü But Not Yet? – Next Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø The choice is ours, and so are its outcomes

Ø Giving Up On Fear

Musical Reflection

¯  Servant Song

¯  Blowing in the Wind

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