Monday, August 21, 2023

Finding our security only in God and not in our achievements or possessions

Just a few thoughts

·       Oneness is even an easy thing to profess, until we realize that it must include not only the people we like and agree with, not only those to whom we are sympathetic, but also those whom we view as abhorrent (whatever side of a political position we may hold). We don’t get to choose who we are one with—it’s everybody. -- Liza Rankow

·       "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending." -- Maria Robinson

·       May every Christian seek good and not evil, and dedicate themselves to growing in virtue, following the way of Jesus Christ.


ü Where are the boundaries of our solidarity? – Sunday reflection

ü Becoming a disciple of Jesus.

The Signs Of The Times

Ø A ‘Statement From The Heart’ should always be cherished

Musical Reflection

¯  Healing River of the Spirit

¯  Sing A New Church Into Being

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