Thursday, August 10, 2023

Are the poor, crippled, and sick really ‘the true wealth of the Church’?

Just a few thoughts

·       "Confidence sells - people believe in those who believe in themselves. No one wants to be stuck in a room with other people who feel like they don't deserve to be there. Stop wondering if you're good enough. Know you are and start acting like it." -- Simon Black

·       A spirit of questing, a desire for understanding; it seems to me it’s only this ongoing search for understanding that will create compassionate and wise people. -- Richard Rohr

·       We pray for manufacturers and consumers in affluent economies, that they will work together to drastically reduce the plastic waste that is choking the environment.


ü  St Laurence

ü Death is not our endpoint.

ü Homily last Sunday -- Transfigured by glimpses of love and communion

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Mary MacKillop’s Example of Charitable Speech

Ø Newly ordained bishops asked survivors of abuse to speak out.

Ø Cross marks Mary MacKillop feast day

Musical Reflection

¯  Never See a Need

¯  Be Still My Soul

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