Thursday, August 17, 2023


Just a few thoughts

·       Read the Uluru Statement from the Heart. The No campaign are trying to turn a referendum to enshrine a Voice to Parliament in our constitution into a legalistic debate between non-lawyers.

·       Collect your mind from its customary circling and wandering outside, and quietly lead it into the heart by way of breathing. -- Monks Callistus and Ignatius

·       May the Church be an instrument of peace and reconciliation, so as to bring hope to our broken and struggling world.


ü Walking on water – not by human power, but by God – Last Sunday Reflection

ü Non-forgiveness is rooted in our habit of thinking self-centred thoughts.

ü Limitless mercy

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Listen, Learn, Love

Ø What Will Heaven Be Like?

Musical Reflection

¯  Let Us Go to the Altar

¯  God of Mercy

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