Friday, August 11, 2023

Renounce self.

Just a few thoughts

·       "You must believe that your past is not your future. You are not stuck or defined by tradition and you don't have to listen to what others tell you to do. Focus on the bright things, the ones that bring a smile to your face. Find that passion and focus." -- Gayle Carson

·       I’m voting yes because that’s what, after more than a decade of consultation, Indigenous Australians asked me to do. – R Denniss

·       May the feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop encourage all the baptised to care for the poor with her tireless compassion.


ü Be ready to take up your cross – whatever it may be

ü Taking up the cross in our lives

ü Awesome Wonder – Next Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Global Citizen Awards Winners

Ø Caritas welcomes Government’s gender and climate targets for foreign aid

Musical Reflection

¯  I Will Be With You

¯  Create In Me

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