Wednesday, September 22, 2021

We are called.

Just a few thoughts

·        We're invited to discover & encounter God through service to others

·        "Respect our elders. They made it through school without Google or Wikipedia." -- anon

·        For those most vulnerable to the psychological and economic cost of the pandemic, that they will receive the support they need to cope.  --  Let us pray to the Lord.


ü Reflection with Fr. Michael Kelly

ü Last Sunday’s homily - We're invited to discover & encounter God through service to others

The Signs Of The Times

Ø New principals make history

Ø Leadership is distorted by thirst for power, betraying charism. --  Pope Francis

Ø  The Spirit in the Assembly  --  Commonweal Magazine (USA)

Musical Reflection

¯ A Place Called Home

¯ Lead Me, Guide Me

¯ God Be in My Head

Bits & Pieces

v Something about autism  --  By understanding who a child is (their strengths and challenges) rather than what they are (a diagnostic label), we can interact/communicate with them in a manner that will help them towards their full potential.

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