Wednesday, September 1, 2021

It’s Spring!!

Just a few thoughts

I am continuing to focus on Social Justice issues.

ü The feast day of St Francis of Assisi
Change begins today

ü In the Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor statement’s foreword Mark Coleridge writes – “With Pope Francis we avoid getting ‘mired in theoretical discussions’ and instead seek to ‘hear the true stories’ of people’s experience, look at reality through the eyes of those most affected, and ‘listen with an open heart to the stories that they tell’ Our task is to listen to people, to the earth, and to all of God’s creation, since every created thing is interconnected.”

ü Creation-The Cry of the Poor  --  Fr Richard Leonard

ü The St Columban Society offers a prayerful way for preparing to celebrate 1st September as World Day of Prayer for Creation. Check it out here

ü "Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love."  --  Mother Teresa

ü First Nations People are 13 times more likely to be incarcerated than non-Indigenous Australians. A new documentary - Incarceration Nation – was presented on NITV on Sunday. If you didn’t catch it, you can stream the documentary now online. Watch it here


Ø Bad laws lead to injustice -- Most injustice in Australia is the result of bad laws, implemented by dishonest, unscrupulous, parliamentarians

Ø Churches lobby for increase in Afghan refugee intake

Ø Refugee Council of Australia

Musical Reflection

¯ All Are Welcome

¯ In Christ there is no East nor West

¯ Huddled Masses

¯ Were You There?

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