Saturday, September 25, 2021

Can we comprehend a suffering Messiah?

Just a few thoughts

·        “I think that I shall never see a poem lovely as a tree.”  — Joyce Kilmer

·        May we seek the enlightenment of the Spirit as we reflect upon the mystery of God.  --  Lord, hear us.

·        Always keep your eyes open.  Keep watching.  Because whatever you can see can inspire you.  --  Grace Coddington


ü They did not understand what Jesus was saying.

ü We are called beyond our complacency

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Migrant and Refugee Sunday: A Prayer for Afghanistan

Ø Migrants and Refugees Sunday. –  Towards an Ever Wider “We” message from Pope Francis.

Musical Reflection

¯ God be in my head

¯ This Is My Song

¯ Take and Eat

Bits & Pieces

v 1957--  Great Britain performs nuclear test at Maralinga, Australia

v 1976 -- Bono, David Evans, his brother Dik and Adam Clayton respond to an advertisement on a bulletin board at Mount Temple posted by fellow student Larry Mullen Jr. to form a rock band, which becomes U2

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