Saturday, September 11, 2021

A Firm Foundation

Just a few thoughts

·        We pray that the faith we profess will be manifest in lives of loving service.  --  Let us pray to the Lord.

·        No News Is Good News Day – I suppose it depends on which news source you pay most attention to.

·        We pray that our churches preach Pope Francis' environmental encyclical Laudato Si’, in working with society leaders to grow worthwhile jobs for the common good of people and country.


ü Whoever hears me builds his house on a rock

ü No place for division between believers: - Pope Francis

ü A Journey toward Greater Love  --  Fr Richard Rohr

The Signs Of The Times

Ø The USA catholic bishops are preparing a document about the Eucharist. They decided to do so as a result of political conflict. Here Jesuit Fr. Thomas Reese makes six suggestions for the Catholic bishops' document.

Ø Australian Religious Press Association awards – Publication of the YearEureka Street

Ø Adelaide assembly to shape Plenary Council response  --  CathNews

Musical Reflection

¯ The Servant Song

¯ This Day God Gives Me

¯ The Servant Song

Bits & Pieces

v 2001:- ‘9/11’  --  Prayer at Ground Zero

v 1942 -- Enid Blyton publishes "Five on a Treasure Island" first of her "Famous Five" children's novels, start of one of the best-selling children's series ever with over 100 million sold

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