Wednesday, September 15, 2021

God speaks to us in many ways

Just a few thoughts

·        God’s truth becomes clouded by ambition and self-indulgence, like air pollution.

·        Are political and company leaders hiding behind faceless systems of control without public accountability?

·        We pray for the world’s democratic nations, that today’s International Day of Democracy will strengthen appreciation for justice, freedom, respect and participation.  --  Let us pray to the Lord.


ü God speaks to us in so many ways and through so many people and situations.

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Democracy is an aspiration that we must work toward.

Ø Absolute Grace and Acceptance  --  Fr Richard Rohr

Musical Reflection

¯ Uyai Mose (Come, All Ye People)

¯ How can I keep from singing?

¯ You Say

Bits & Pieces

v 1928 - Scottish bacteriologist Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin while studying influenza

v 1890 — Mystery writer Agatha Christie was born

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