Tuesday, September 21, 2021

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Just a few thoughts

·        International Day of Peace
When there is no peace in the home there is no peace in the world

·        For peace-makers and aid-workers in places of chronic violence, that their selfless service will open pathways of hope, especially for women and children.  --  Let us pray to the Lord.


ü “I desire compassion and not sacrifice.”

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Adelaide Diocesan Assembly - Grateful to gather as pilgrims
Thursday night’s closing session will be live streamed at https://youtu.be/_otk07w-SI0

Ø The Style and the 'How' of the Church

Ø Handle Communion debate pastorally  --  Pope Francis speaking to bishops

Musical Reflection

¯ Song at the Center

¯ For the Beauty of the Earth

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