Saturday, September 4, 2021

Good intentions

Just a few thoughts

·       We pray for the families of veterans who have lost their lives or their health as a result of active service, that the work of Legacy will assure them of the support they need.  -- Lord, hear us.

·       A random bit of reflection on the power of prayer I came across:
Prayer doesn't change God, but it changes me when I pray.
‘I am focused on someone or something other than myself (at least, sometimes) and that stirs compassion, gratitude or other positive emotions in me, with consequent effects on the brain etc.
Even if my prayers don't seem to be answered as I prayed, I have released some positive energy into myself and the world and this has to be beneficial.’


ü If truth and goodness are not violated by doing or not doing something, can we say there is sin or evil there?

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Pastoral letter by Bishop Vincent Long of Parramatta seeking our prayer and solidarity with our Afghan sisters and brothers in this difficult time.

Ø Global trade is here to stay. But have we reckoned with the moral costs of its conveniences?
Hyperglobalization means cheap goods delivered fast. It also has implications for labor conditions, economic inequality and the environment, all of which we can no longer ignore.

Musical Reflection

µ Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow 

µ Sing a new song unto the Lord 

µ God of Every Nation


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