Thursday, September 30, 2021

Their poverty was an expression of defencelessness, and therefore of trust in God.

Just a few thoughts

·       We had a glorious, but exhausting day at the York Peninsula Field Days, with the grandkids!

·       Feast day of St Jerome

·       The 1st session of the Plenary Council is livestreamed on Monday, October 4 from  11:00am-12:15pm AEDT

Plenary Reflections

Ø Approaching first assembly ‘with a sense of anticipation’

Ø Catholics urged to show support for Afghan refugees

Ø Defend life, promote access to health care for all: Pope Francis

Musical Reflection

¯ Hymn of Healing for the Church

¯ Come, Holy Ghost

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Plenary Council begins on Sunday!

Just a few thoughts

·       I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I'm going to learn, I must do it by listening.  --  Larry King

·       Opening Mass of the Plenary Council on Sunday can be viewed online 1.30 pm (SA) at the Plenary Council website

Plenary Reflections

Ø Bishop Vincent: ‘My hope for the Plenary Council’

Ø Spiritual conversations’ will aid Plenary Council discernment  --  ACBC

Musical Reflection

¯ That they may be one

¯ Spirit and Grace

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The Plenary Council begins next Sunday!

Just a few thoughts

·        This week leading up to the Plenary Council I would like to post for you as many important presentations as I can find. I would like to start with a podcast that lasts about 20minutes – Interview with Plenary Council facilitator Lana Turvey-Collins

·        “What good is faith if it causes pain for another? What good is religion if it does no good? What good is any belief that leads to hate?”  --  Jared Brock

Plenary Reflections

Ø The Plenary Council  --  Fr Andrew Hamilton

Ø The Church must be welcoming: Pope Francis

Musical Reflection

¯ Without Fear

¯ Listen to the Spirit

Bits & Pieces

v 1872: Birth of David Unaipon, Aboriginal writer and activist

v 1983: Death of John Pat in Roebourne Prison WA, prompting the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody

Monday, September 27, 2021

St Vincent de Paul

Just a few thoughts

·        “Go to the poor: you will find God.”  --  St. Vincent de Paul

·        “Charity is certainly greater than any rule. Moreover, all rules must lead to charity.”  --  St. Vincent de Paul

·        “Make it a practice to judge persons and things in the most favourable light at all times and under all circumstances.”  --  St. Vincent de Paul


ü Sunday Homily - Offcuts

ü Discipleship involves service to all in need – Sunday homily

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Feast of St Vincent de Paul  --  Fr Andrew Hamilton

Ø Saint Vincent de Paul  --  Vinnies

Musical Reflection

¯ Never See a Need

¯ How blessed are you who are poor

¯ Whatsoever You Do

¯ When I Needed A Neighbour

Bits & Pieces

1825 -- Fear as First Passenger Train Reaches 15mph

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Where there is love, there is God

Just a few thoughts

·        “Nature never deceives us; it is we who deceive ourselves.”  — Jean-Jacques Rousseau

·        We pray on this Migrants and Refugees Sunday for all who have left their homelands, that they will summon us to affirm our common humanity.  --  Lord, hear us.


Ø Christians clearly have no monopoly on loving others.

Ø Homily – Fr Frank Brennan

The Signs Of The Times

Ø World Day of Migrants and Refugees  --  Fr Richard Leonard

Ø Is it time to re-think seminaries?  --  Eureka Street

Ø Synodality is a work in progress  --  Eureka Street

Musical Reflection

¯ Blest Are They

¯ Sanctus

¯ Stewards of Earth   [Finlandia]

Bits & Pieces

v International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

v 1665 - Height of the Great Plague of London as 7,165 people die throughout the previous week

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Can we comprehend a suffering Messiah?

Just a few thoughts

·        “I think that I shall never see a poem lovely as a tree.”  — Joyce Kilmer

·        May we seek the enlightenment of the Spirit as we reflect upon the mystery of God.  --  Lord, hear us.

·        Always keep your eyes open.  Keep watching.  Because whatever you can see can inspire you.  --  Grace Coddington


ü They did not understand what Jesus was saying.

ü We are called beyond our complacency

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Migrant and Refugee Sunday: A Prayer for Afghanistan

Ø Migrants and Refugees Sunday. –  Towards an Ever Wider “We” message from Pope Francis.

Musical Reflection

¯ God be in my head

¯ This Is My Song

¯ Take and Eat

Bits & Pieces

v 1957--  Great Britain performs nuclear test at Maralinga, Australia

v 1976 -- Bono, David Evans, his brother Dik and Adam Clayton respond to an advertisement on a bulletin board at Mount Temple posted by fellow student Larry Mullen Jr. to form a rock band, which becomes U2

Friday, September 24, 2021

Messiah of God

Just a few thoughts

·        Pray with us and for us: - Plenary Council president Archbishop Costelloe

·        We pray that every Christian may be firm in their faith, rejoicing that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and find in his death and resurrection, life and hope.

·        “The fairest thing in nature, a flower, still has its roots in earth and manure.”  — D. H. Lawrence


ü Reflection with Fr. Michael Kelly

ü Simple Trust in God’s Presence  --  Fr Richard Rohr

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Migrants & Refugee Resource Booklet

Ø The gift of migrants  --  Fr Andrew Hamilton

Musical Reflection

¯ Pie Jesu

¯ Lead Me, Guide Me

¯ Creation's Hallelujah

Bits & Pieces

v World Maritime Day

v 1853 - 1st round-the-world trip by yacht (Cornelius Vanderbilt)

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Are we curious about Jesus?

Just a few thoughts

·        “You can't just let nature run wild.”  — Walt Disney

·        For our parish community, that it will be graced with a spirit of divine wisdom and heartfelt prayer.  --  Let us pray to the Lord.

·        Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.  --  William Faulkner

·        International Day of Sign Languages – Such important tools for those who communicate by means of them, and especially for those who have conveyed important health and safety messages during the pandemic


ü How do we experience Jesus in our lives?

ü When we doubt the power of prayer  --  Fr Ron Rolheiser

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Media critical of the Pope do ‘the devil’s work’

Ø Pope calls on world to welcome refugees and immigrants

Ø The Cosmos Reveal God’s Great Love

Musical Reflection

¯ God be in my head

¯ Christ Be Our Light

¯ May light eternal shine upon them

Bits & Pieces

v  1959: - Launch of Australian Consumer Association

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

We are called.

Just a few thoughts

·        We're invited to discover & encounter God through service to others

·        "Respect our elders. They made it through school without Google or Wikipedia." -- anon

·        For those most vulnerable to the psychological and economic cost of the pandemic, that they will receive the support they need to cope.  --  Let us pray to the Lord.


ü Reflection with Fr. Michael Kelly

ü Last Sunday’s homily - We're invited to discover & encounter God through service to others

The Signs Of The Times

Ø New principals make history

Ø Leadership is distorted by thirst for power, betraying charism. --  Pope Francis

Ø  The Spirit in the Assembly  --  Commonweal Magazine (USA)

Musical Reflection

¯ A Place Called Home

¯ Lead Me, Guide Me

¯ God Be in My Head

Bits & Pieces

v Something about autism  --  By understanding who a child is (their strengths and challenges) rather than what they are (a diagnostic label), we can interact/communicate with them in a manner that will help them towards their full potential.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Follow me

Just a few thoughts

·        International Day of Peace
When there is no peace in the home there is no peace in the world

·        For peace-makers and aid-workers in places of chronic violence, that their selfless service will open pathways of hope, especially for women and children.  --  Let us pray to the Lord.


ü “I desire compassion and not sacrifice.”

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Adelaide Diocesan Assembly - Grateful to gather as pilgrims
Thursday night’s closing session will be live streamed at

Ø The Style and the 'How' of the Church

Ø Handle Communion debate pastorally  --  Pope Francis speaking to bishops

Musical Reflection

¯ Song at the Center

¯ For the Beauty of the Earth

Monday, September 20, 2021

A lamp unto my path

Just a few thoughts

·        For all earth’s peoples, that they will embrace the eco-conversion called for by Pope Francis for the life of the planet.  --  Let us pray to the Lord.

·        We often say we are on a journey of faith. Here is another way of saying that:
“We’re all just walking each other home.” -- ~Ram Dass


ü Sunday Homily from USA - Today, we are invited to walk the road with Jesus and his thickheaded disciples, praying that we, too, can learn the invincible and irresistibly attractive power of self-giving love.

ü Is greed good?

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Church must listen to the call of survivors

Ø ‘Unlocking’ Catechism for millennials and Gen Z

Musical Reflection

¯ Thy Word

¯ Lead Me, Guide Me

¯ We are Called to Serve

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Servant of all

Just a few thoughts

·         A glorious morning in Wallaroo!

·         For leaders in every sphere of public life, that they will put their power at the service of the common good.  --  Let us pray to the Lord.

·         Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of humans as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.  --  Helen Keller


ü What were you arguing about?

ü The Law of Love

ü Homily – Fr Frank Brennan

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Handle Communion debate pastorally  --  Pope Francis speaking to bishops

Ø Plenary Council: Opportunity for Church to Restore Human Rights

Musical Reflection

¯ All Are Welcome

¯ We Are Many Parts

¯ Servant Song